Saturday, October 12, 2013

My life is crazy.

So, I'd like to tell you about my past week or so in Harrisburg, PA.

My life has been so crazy. I have been discovering what a real adventure it is to walk on water, completely in faith.

I really pray that this blog is worship unto God. I want this to be a pleasing sacrifice unto Him. I desire this blog to be a testimony of the Good things the Lord does in my life. I want it to be the Spirit of Prophesy for you to know what He will do in your life!!

Thank You, Lord, for the wonders You perform in my life! Encourage these readers to know that You will do the same in their lives! YAY GOD.

So, I've been homeless for almost 3 weeks now. LOL.

Sleeping on couches by the mercy of others.

Wow, it is humbling. To have absolutely no control.

But there's a lot of freedom.... even when you run out of money!

So my first full weekend here in Harrisburg, Global Celebration had a huge conference with speakers like Heidi Baker, Bill Johnson, and Lance Wallnau. It was absolutely amazing. And I have this obsessive compulsion to be obedient to God. So when He tells me to give, I give! Knowing that nothing I have is my own. It all belongs to God!! So there's a lot of freedom to give- because none of it was mine in the beginning!! All the earth is the LORD's and everything in it... Psalm 24:1

My beautiful roommate, Dawn, who picked me up and drove me out to this crazy adventure, is doing the school part-time-ish because she has children in high school so she is driving up to see them every other week. So after a week in Harrisburg she had to head back to Michigan to be with her children. I understood and God worked it out for me to stay at one of the staff at the school's apartments while they went out of town for the week. So I had an apartment to myself for like 5 days, which was amazing because when you're living as a nomad, private time is rare.

Whilst being in rest my body went out of adrenaline mode and the stresses came upon me in a sort of sickness. I wasn't too sick, but ill enough to really need serious rest.

I was able to go out, however, and apply for a job at Starbucks... which is the job I had wanted when God first told me I was coming out here while in Africa.. the same day I applied I got called for an interview! Which was for this past Tuesday, October 8th. After that I new I wasn't to apply for any other jobs because this was it.

So even though I just rested, my body wasn't seeming to get much better because I didn't have the opportunity to be able to go to a grocery store and buy vegetables to maintain proper nutrient... so I wasn't getting better, kind of worse. I also didn't have a lot of money to be able to go out and buy regular meals. I clung to the Word of God as my medicine. ;-)

When the staff members got back from their week away, I was hoping my roommate, Dawn, would be back in town for us to get to serious work at getting an apartment. I had found one while she was gone that was PERFECT and was given the application for it but didn't fill it out or try to submit it because I knew that she had a better credit and credentials as an appealing tenant. So I was waiting for her to return. Unfortunately... I had forgotten... that Dawn had signed up to do a Global Celebration retreat in Cabo, Mexico... I did know the Lord called her to it... but I forgot that it was this past week.... And I still wasn't feeling well... The staff member's whose place I was staying at have a baby and I didn't want to be around the baby not feeling well...

So, Monday-Tuesday were pretty hard days for me. I sought the Lord. I didn't know what to do. I wasn't feeling well, I didn't know where to go. I had basically no money. Dawn had the money for the deposit on our apartment. I sought the Lord. I sought the Lord. I sought the Lord. I sought His Face. I sought His wisdom, His counsel, His might. Because I had absolutely no strength.

Tuesday morning my interview went REALLY well. And I got the job!!! YAY GOD. But they told me at my interview that I had to wait 2 weeks to start so I could do an orientation class.

I didn't have 2 weeks. So after the interview. I just went and sat somewhere. I had no money. I had a check but I really felt the Lord telling me NOT to cash it. I didn't know what to do. I didn't even have any money to eat that day. I didn't know what I was going to do. I sought the Lord. I knew that He wouldn't let His child go hungry or beg for bread. I knew that I wasn't supposed to stay at the staff member's place much longer. I wasn't going to start my job for 2 weeks. How was I supposed to start working to pay for rent? I sought the Lord. Because I know when you seek the Lord, you find Him. I had seriously no idea how I was going to eat. I told the Lord I would fast, but I don't think the conditions of my heart were right... So, I just walked around Harrisburg, praying and seeking God's face.

Sitting on a bench by the river, praying and praying, worshiping God, trusting Him. Reminding Him of His promises. Seeking His face. I remembered I needed an ID to show for paperwork sake when you get a new job.. so I went to look in my wallet to find my license to make sure I had it. So looking through my wallet.. I found $20!! I had so thought I lost that $20 and had TORN UP my wallet looking for it before!! But God had kept it hidden because He wanted to prove His faithfulness at ALWAYS PROVIDING! I was going to be able to eat! And my favorite place to eat down town was having a special so I got to get a huge steak salad for $4. Jesus is soo good.

And so encouraged, I went back to the apartment, filled out this application for the apartment I wanted and turned it in. I knew it would be a miracle if I was approved for the apartment for us... and even more of a miracle because I didn't have the money to pay for it yet......

So, that night was class, and trying so hard to maintain a thankful and trustful heart... I completely broke down and just sobbed. I was still weary. I still only had in my possession like $15... I didn't know where I was going to stay until I could get an apartment... I didn't know how I was going to pay for it... I KNEW the Lord WILL provide... I know His promises... But I was tired. Still sickish. Still seeking full rest. And still seeking Him knowing He was going to show Himself.

And so, a beautiful friend of mine offered her apartment to me, since she was going to be out of town for the weekend and I could stay in her room and also come early to stay before she leaves. Both her and her roommate both felt it was the Lord for me to come! It was an amazing relief just knowing how God works continually through people's lives to provide for you.

So Wednesday I went to stay with Jenny and Tiffany, more amazing staff at Global Celebration. My sister also felt the Lord leading her to send me some money that I'll be able to survive on until I start working. Praise God! Praise God. Praise God. Praise God. He always provides.

He always provides.

Wednesday night we went to church to see Brother Yun, Heavenly Man, who was speaking. At church I was talking to someone who has been very excited about what God is doing in my life and the adventure I'm on... and very concerned about my job and apartment search... He felt led to provide the $800 I needed for my first month rent! So I could move into my apartment! (if I was approved)

GOD PROVIDES ALWAYS. GOD ALWAYS PROVIDES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

So the next miracle I needed was to be approved for this apartment... So Thursday.... I get a call from the rental company saying that... despite the facts, like all I have is a part time job and Dawn isn't working yet... they just need to see some financial statements.. and the apartment is ours! They considered our missionary status'... and approved us..... What? Yes. God is a god of MIRACLES.


I get a call from Starbucks... and they said I could start the next day!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! So I got to start working YESTERDAY! Full of favor and glory from the Lord. I'll be working Monday through Friday 6 AM to 12. Sounds great to me. And I'll have plenty of time to get a second job.  YAY GOD.

So now I'm just waiting for Dawn to get back and she can show the rental company some paperwork and we will be moving into our new apartment. :DD

So I have an apartment. I have a job. Because I have a good God.

HE always provides. He always provides.

I came out to Harrisburg with basically nothing. And God provides everything. He is so faithful.

It is so important to be obedient to God. Because He always comes through. Always.

I'm so thankful for people who are obedient to Him.

I haven't stopped being so full of joy and glory. I haven't been able to stop praising Him. Even when I was hurting and confused, I still was praising Him and seeking Him. Even in my tears, I cried out to Him in worship. Knowing that everything was in His control. I totally felt all pride ripped from me. I can't do anything unless the Lord is breathing on my life. I don't have breath unless He gives it. It's all because of Him. It's all Jesus. It's all His. It all belongs to Him. And He'll never leave the righteous homeless or begging for bread.

There's so much more I could preach...... but I've already written so much. Thank you for reading these words. I hope you praise God because of them. And see that it is all Him. It's all Him. I couldn't have done any of that. It's all Him. Hehe Obvi.