Thursday, May 12, 2016

Big Update!!!

Hello all!

I have been trying to write a blog over the past month on all that has been happening since my last update on moving to LA. Since then, I've served at a Revival Alliance conference, Azusa Now (a prayer and worship event that took place in LA with over 100,000 people!!), I have been working updates for Iris, helping launch a video podcast, and really settling in here. It is really wonderful how we have become family within Iris Media and love each other so well. The journey has been tough but we have been pressing on together and it makes it all the more worth it.

I have been praying for years about becoming a yoga or fitness instructor and really felt that direction from the Lord, but have been waiting on the right timing. Moving to LA, I really felt like God was speaking to me about pursing yoga and was randomly offered unlimited yoga classes for cleaning the studio twice a week! That has been a dream and I am falling in love with yoga! It has been a great escape from the busyness of internship and LA life and living with 5 other girls! I've been really able to connect with the Lord on the yoga mat and hear His voice and feel His joy and strength so powerfully.

Now the big news.... The original plan for the internship was going to Mozambique for 3 weeks. This is still the plan for most of the interns... but when my leaders heard of my heart and passion to be a missionary in Africa, it was arranged that I would stay on our base in Pemba, Mozambique for 3 months!!! I will be able to accomplish so much more for Iris Media and especially for our Stop for the One sponsorship program! There is so much happening in Mozambique with Iris and there is so much that needs to be captured on film so that God can be glorified!

I will be leaving for Mozambique in a month!! So there is a lot to get done before then! I am finishing up a video update on the drought and famine in eastern Africa which has been a lot of work because of the importance of getting the poor and the hungry fed! Then am heading off to Redding, CA to train with some Iris Media staff for filming in Africa and will also attend Bethel Church's Creative Conference! I am really believing for a lot of breakthrough in my creativity before I head out to Africa to lay my life down and truly pursue my dreams for media!

My passion for media is that it is the best way to get your message to the MASSES! And to be able to preach the Good News of the Kingdom of God in Mozambique and show the world what God is doing. It is a DREAM COME TRUE! I know that this is JUST THE BEGINNING of the incredible work God is doing with me.

All I want to do is give the Lamb the reward for His suffering, all He has done for me, I want to do for Him. I will go lower still in laying my life down at the alter so that He may be glorified fully and truly in my life. He is worthy of it all. I am so in love with Him and I will go anywhere so that His Kingdom would come and His will will be done on earth as it is in heaven.

So I need a lot of miracles to get to Mozambique for 3 months this summer! PLEASE PRAY FOR ME! for
  • Traveling expenses
    • Visas 
    • Vaccinations 
    • Supplies 
  • A new computer 
    • I desperately need a new computer to be able to work on videos in Mozambique. My current computer is about 7 years old and I can't even update my iPhone on it! Or even update Google Chrome. 
  • Traveling money 
  • Money for Redding trip 
So I am believing God for a lot very quickly. I'm leaving for Redding on Sunday, May 15th until about May 27th and will return to LA to pack up all my stuff. I will leave some things in LA but will be flying out to Mozambique from Chicago so I can see my family before I go!

I know Jesus said in Luke 9:3, Matthew 10:9-10, Mark 6:8 to go out and bring nothing with you. And in Luke 22:35.."Then Jesus asked them, "When I sent you out without purse or bag or sandals, did you lack anything?" "Nothing," they answered." So when I feel foolish for not having anything but knowing God has called me to go, I remember what JESUS said. Go with nothing. So, here I am following the words of my Savior, believing every word He has said.

I think this may be the best update I've ever written. I'm so in Love with Jesus.

So PLEASE PRAY FOR ME! Pray for protection, for blessings, and for lots of money.

If you would like to support me financially, you can give to me over Paypal (email , send me a wad of cash and/or checks in the mail, or just buy my plane tickets or a new computer.

I love you so much! Thanks for reading and being invested in what God is doing in my life! I am so grateful for all of you!

Here is a little update I posted on Facebook!

Update I posted on Facebook on April 13!

Serving at the Revival Alliance conference! 

A podcast shoot we did with Shawn Bolz yesterday!

Azusa Now!! 100,000 people worshiping Jesus! 

Podcast shoot with Heidi Baker!! So powerful!

My 26th birthday celebrated at Zuma Beach in Malibu, CA! 

Monday, March 28, 2016


I have like 10 unfinished blog posts because while I was in Chicago I really felt that I was supposed to lay my life down and serve my family in the season and be hidden in Him. Leaving Harrisburg was super hard because I loved and was loved so much but I knew that I was stepping into greater purposes that the Lord has for me. I didn't know how long I would be in Chicago with my family but the Lord had told me it would be a season of easy harvest and low hanging fruit. And it definitely was. It was WONDERFUL! I love my family SO SO SO much! I love all that God has done in my heart and my life through going lower still for my family and showing them Love looks like something.

I have been taking baby steps to pick up the dream of my heart to be film maker that I had laid down before the Lord to pick of more of Him and His Word so that I would be established in my faith before getting behind a camera. I knew that the Iris Hollywood Artist Boot Camp would be a huge launching into this dream, but I had no idea how huge.

I now live in LA.
Interning with Iris Media.
Working on media projects for the Kingdom of God.

Say what...

Jesus says if you lose your life for Me, you will find it. Matt 10:39. I love how the more I get to know Him, the more I get to know myself. And the more I love to lose my life.

It has been an easy and hard transition into LA. Easy because God has given me amazing roommates to run along side with that I met at the Iris Hollywood boot camp and has allowed me to come here right into family. We have all taken huge steps of faith to come here and serve the Lord through Iris Media. These women are amazing. We are all so thankful to be here in this season and to be there for one another. Making meals together, praying together, encouraging another, and going on this adventure together has been amazing. And it hasn't even been two weeks.The hard part has been a new level of faith and new level of fighting for it.

When I got my final acceptance to the internship, I started packing my bags right away. I didn't have any resources to come but I knew that God would provide. And He did in the 11th hour. Actually exactly 24 hours before I was leaving, what I needed to get here was provided. I had an appointment to rent a car at 1 PM and at 12 noon was handed an envelope with $1,000 cash. And then within the next hours before leaving at 1 PM on Sunday, was given more with love to help on the journey, and also found out that two different friends had paid for hotel rooms for my mother and I.

It was amazing.

The journey here was incredible, the Holy Spirit poured Himself out without measure. The trip was gorgeous, the time with my mother, the time with my friends, seeing the country, was all so wonderful. The Lord was so faithful to bless my mom and I with a great time and great country. Utah is beautiful. The Grand Canyon is amazing. I'm in love with this land.

Since being here it has been a search for what I am doing. At the Iris Hollywood school, they prepared us mentally for the spiritual atmosphere that is over LA. Hollywood and LA hold so much influence over the world and there is a fight for it in the spirit. It's definitely been a battle to remain steadfast knowing that I AM SUPPOSED TO BE HERE. That I am qualified, I am called, and more than a conqueror in Christ Jesus. HALLELUJAH.

The internship is amazing and all that we will be accomplishing is powerful and fierce. I'm so honored to be a part of a team that will be using media to proclaim the Gospel and testify to what the Lord is doing all over the earth with Iris Global.

There are definitely things I am in need of to pray for. I have been sleeping on a mini futon in the corner of the living room, so a bed would be FABULOUS but there God gives grace to abound in little. I also could definitely use a bike to get around since I don't have a car, we have been walking lots and lots which is great but a bike would be useful when in time crunches. I am also seeking the Lord for the right job or the right provision that I can give more of my time to the many projects we have with Iris Media. We are also going to Mozambique this summer with the internship and am seeking God for how I am to be obedient to Him in that. So if you could pray for me and believe God with me! I know if I seek Him first all things I need will be provided.

Thank you so much for reading this update and what God is doing in my life. I love you all so much. Please let me know what you think and what you are hearing from the Lord for me!!

Love love love to you!! A video soon to come!!

The view from my apartment in LA! 

Tuesday, March 31, 2015

Kisses from Jesus

I feel the transition I'm in. Doors opening and doors closing. It's been a season of PRUNING! Preparation for the next. Learning to LOVE discipline from the Lord more than I have ever before. Knowing He prunes those He loves so we can bear more fruit.

It's not easy... being pruned... it's humbling. Like lowering oneself and getting food stamps, but always seeing the mercy of the Lord, like in supernaturally short visits to the welfare office. Hallelujah. Some small mercies don't seem that small. And knowing greater mercies like the joy of knowing I'll have food! HALLELUJAH!

The pruning, which I could go on and on about, does produce great fruit. I feel it already so deep. The discipline of the Lord has been amazing. The hours God has led me to devote to Him are priceless. The power of God I've seen manifest as I pray for people and even just speaking has amazed myself. The accuracy of the prophetic words He has given me astonishes myself. It's been so humbling and honoring to be able to speak such words of knowledge from heaven. It's so assuring me that it is NOT ME giving these words, but so by His Spirit. All by His grace and His mercy. And its super fun.

Super fun.

I could go on more about things God has been doing to prune and discipline me...

BUT ISRAEL!!!!!!! I haven't told about Israel !! Which is over a month ago now but still fresh in my heart, mind, and spirit.  Some people have seen pictures I've posted and little blurbs on facebook or instagram... But, oh, can I tell you about Israel??

Israel was so wonderful. Such a gift from the Father. Such a kiss from Jesus. Such a whirl wind of the Holy Spirit. So much joy. I laughed for two weeks. Words cannot express the joy of this trip! SO MUCH JOY! Our team was phenomenal. Family from the airport! We were of one mind and one Spirit. Worship was at the foundation of everything we did.We could not stop worshiping, with our praise or with our actions. Jesus was at the center of it all! Oh how He overflowed!!

I pray the Holy Spirit gives you a taste right now of the joy we experienced! YES, LORD!

The hotels we were able to stay at were wonderful, the first was an old palace! It was amazingly beautiful and really easy to get lost in. And I was so happy it had a gym and was able to run a couple times.

The refugee camps were, I think, everyone's favorite part. Being able to go and love those who've been hurt and confused by where they belong and who's heart's are crying for justice. We were able to dance, sing, laugh, paint, feed, love, hug, kiss, and play with these wonderful children and women who've known such third world life and fear. It was hours of dancing, laughing, and playing and imparting the Joy we have which comes from the throne of heaven! It was also a privilege to hear the Palestinian hearts and to honor them in whatever way we could, going into their homes and listening to their stories, providing for what needs we could, and simply loving them.

On the other side of the border we were able to go to an Israeli soldier hospital... WOW. JESUS. WOW. From the moment we walked in ... it was an explosion of joy. An explosion of worship, singing, dancing, waving flags, and releasing the Kingdom of Heaven. People were amazed, coming from all over the hospital to see what was going on! People were healed, people were dancing with us, and longing to know WHY WE WERE SO HAPPY. We were ready to give an answer to anyone who asked. It was awesome. We also split up into groups and went all over to pray for the sick and the afflicted to see the Holy Spirit who's desperate to encounter hearts.

The land of Israel is so beautiful. So much to say, I fell so madly in love with the land and the people I want to go back and live there. And I will. Someday. I will.

It was so amazing to see the Word of God come to life! To see the history of my history! To see the Living Word! The Word Living ! It was truly life changing. Forever changed. God did so much in and through me. It's hard for me to even speak about the depths that God did. It's so precious to me. It's hard for me to put words to God. I pray that the Lord will allow you to feel the depth right now.

I can tell you that I have been born again after this trip. That I encountered God in such a powerful way that I can honestly confess that Jesus Christ died for me and I died with Him. I was co crucified with Christ that it may be no longer I who live but JESUS WHO LIVES IN ME. I felt such a powerful revelation of the resurrection of Christ and the life and death of Christ which reigns and rules in my body. The resurrection of Christ. My resurrection from the dead. I was dead in my sins, in my transgressions, but now I am fully alive to God. I pray that Holy Spirit will help you understand this which is of the Spirit. That there would be an importation for you to KNOW that Jesus died for you so that you may truly live. That there is resurrection power available. That our faith in Jesus is based on the RESURRECTION.

I just realized that this is a convenient topic because Easter is this week.

Beloved, will you please seek God about this? Seek God about the power of the Resurrection of Jesus from the dead. The first BORN from the dead OF MANY!!!!!!!!!!! Which you are included. To be raised to life with Him, In Him, to have your being seated in Heavenly places which the Father is pleased to bless you with.

I try not to talk to long because I could talk FOREVER about this. Or anything of God. Or lots of things, really.

I thank God for you ! I pray peace for you! Joy in the Holy Spirit! I pray more hunger for the things of God for you! That Jesus would pursue you relentlessly and that you would allow Him to Kiss you with the kisses of His mouth for His love is better than wine.


Love, Esther

Sunday, December 7, 2014

I'm going to Israel?!?!

It has been a really crazy season.

 I've wanted to blog more but honestly I haven't wanted to share the happenings of my heart. Processes can be painful. Transformation isn't always easy. But it is always worth it. Character comes from fire. And how badly do I desire to be of Godly character. My heart rages to be tested and found worthy but the tests are hard. Because the Prize is great. I want to know Jesus. I want Him to know ME. I want to be His friend more and more every day.

It's hard when I sit down and I don't want to read the Bible. I don't like it when my heart isn't desiring to seek His face. I don't like it when I'm distracted by worldly things. I don't like being distracted from His captivating face.

He is so good to change me. He is so good to help me deny myself and seek Him. I want people to see Him and want Him when they see me.

So, I've wrote how my walk in faith has been a lot about finances. He has been really faithful even when I'm faithless. I've really doubted when I have no reason to doubt. But for over three months... my faith was truly tested. God didn't provide like I thought He would of for over 3 months. I got behind in my rent, my bills, wasn't able to eat often, and was really afraid. I was training for a marathon that I didn't have money to register for or even get to. What was I doing wrong? Was I not following man's wisdom in getting food stamps? or I don't even know. There was so much 'good advice' given to me. But so much I didn't feel God leading me to.

Was I foolish? I don't know. I know that Paul confesses he's a fool for Christ. 1 Corinthians 4:10. I know that I am good company for being thought foolish.

So I was three months behind in rent. My cell phone was turned off. My electric was about to be turned off. And the only miracles I had was for some food money because I was living off of popcorn and rice. This was about the end of October.

So many thoughts go through your head in situations like this. I have people telling me what I ought to do. I have doubts. I have condemnations. I have convictions. I have the Word of God. That He is faithful. That is promises are True. I have my own testimonies. I have Him saying, "I am faithful to the end." At this point I was coming to the end of my marathon training (which I knew was a prophetic act), and I'm wondering if I'm training in vain. But God.

But God.

But God.

But God is bigger than my doubts. God is bigger than my faithlessness. God is bigger than my mistakes. God is my Redeemer. He is my Salvation. He is my Strength. He is Everything. Gosh, I am so not perfect but He is. He is perfect. And His ways are perfect.

In one day God met all my needs. October 27th I'm pretty sure. I woke up to someone coming over to give me $300 for my electric. When I got home from that someone paid for my cell phone to get turned on. And then that afternoon, someone texted me and asked how much I needed. And put $2,000 into my bank account. In one day, God covered all my rent, all my bills, and my needs for my marathon. I'm not training in vain. The tests are for real. This training is for real. I may be Crazy but I am Sane in the Kingdom of God.

I walk by faith and not by sight. It doesn't mean I'm careless with finances or don't work hard. I've gotten a second job at a health food store and have worked 7 days in a row between the two jobs and have 7 more days to work in a row. Maybe even more.

There is so much I don't know. But God has made it so evidently clear I CANNOT lean on my own understanding. But I MUST acknowledge Him in everything so He can make my path straight.

I ran my marathon November 15th in Richmond, Va. And it was the hardest thing I've ever done. I wanted to quit so many times. I wanted to just go home. I wanted to stop. It was super painful. But God. He has trained me to finish well. He has trained me to endure. He has trained me to persevere. He is doing a great work in me and He will finish it. ii

Man, it's hard. Man, my heart has felt pain. And, oh boy, has Jesus come to heal me. Jesus has come to make every wrong thing right. Because wrong things happen. And sometimes it's totally my fault. But His grace is sufficient for me. His mercies are new every morning.

So, now I'm going to Israel in February on a trip with Global Celebration (the ministry I serve here in Harrisburg). Global Celebration does this trip to Israel every February and it has been on my mind for a couple years to go. Thursday, I found out a Bible translator, Brian Simmons, and his wife were attending this next trip... My heart exploded. I know this trip is going to be different. God ALWAYS does amazing amazing amazing things on this trip, but Brian and his wife carry something very special. I listen to Brian's sermons all the time and LOVE his translations of the Bible called The Passion Translation. So when I saw that they were going. My heart exploded. I asked the Lord for a sign of confirmation if I could go on this trip and within 30 minutes God confirmed it. The next day, Friday morning, less than 24 hours of my asking Jesus if I could go, someone called and said they would give $2,000 for my trip. Holy Confirmation.

I can't even begin to tell you. I've been just talking with Jesus, not so much asking, but talking about how I would like to go overseas. But for Jesus to bring me to ISRAEL! With Georgian and Winnie Banov (Global Celebration leaders) and Brian and Candice Simmons. I'm undone. To be so honest. I feel like this year has been so very hard and I've worked so very hard and been through so much pain that for The Lord to do this for me......... I'm just so thankful. I'm just so humbled. I'm so honored. To know that He honors me for honoring Him... I'm so thankful. How do I begin to show my utter reverence for God???? He is GOOD.

So, I humbly ask you to please help me get there. I have to get the rest of the finances for the trip by THURSDAY DECEMBER 11th!!!!!!! I need $1,800 to cover the rest of the trip. I know that this is The Lord. Will you please help me???

Jesus has 5 days to finish this! Will you please be a part of this???? God is so faithful to repay you for your kindness to me!


here is the link again.

This is a link ABOUT THE TRIP

AND ITS TAX DEDUCTIBLE!!!!!!!! i think. And I will write a prophetic word to anyone who donates to my trip!!!!!!!! Seriously.

Soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo Jesus is so amazing. I love you all. Thanks for reading this. Thanks for praying for me. Let me know how I can pray for you! Call me. Text me. Email me. Facebook me. Let's be friends forever.

Friday, October 3, 2014

I quit my job.

Hi Beloved, 

You are great. 

I'm so thankful you're reading this. Or at least beginning to! Hahah. There are LOTS of things I could say... I've been meaning to write sooner but I've had a lot to process. It's been a rough month in my spirit, God has been doing a lot that I don't fully understand but I know that there has been a growth spurt and I'm losing things that don't belong to me. Hallelujah for transformation from glory to glory. I want to be transformed into the image of Christ! Oh how I long for it. 

So I quit my job at Starbucks about two weeks ago. I was just struggling. There are a few reasons that I quit. Part of it was that I didn't want to wake up at 5 am anymore and I especially didn't want to wake up that early with school again! Some other situations were happening that I feel allowed a door to step out. The company that owns my licensed Starbucks is offering to transfer me to another position in the company because they do value me as an employee. They own a nice restaurant called Bricco that I am going to try to begin serving at. You could pray for me for that.  

Meanwhile, since closing the door at Starbucks, a door opened for me to accept a promotion at Dressbarn as part time assistant manager. So if I'm able to begin serving at the restaurant along with being an assistant manager, I'll be in an easier financial position. Hallelujah. I really felt confirmation from Jesus that I made the right choice of leaving Starbucks and being able to accept the promotion at Dressbarn. Dressbarn has been an amazing company to work for. They totally support my ministry and the call God has put on my life. I'm so thankful for the team I work with. So thankful.

It was a really hard choice in closing the door to Starbucks because I have loved working there. I've made amazing relationships and seen God do amazing things. But I feel like it is really a new season. And a season of rest. 

For the past year I've worked the two jobs on average of 45-55 hours a week while going to school. I'm really praying not to have to do that again. It was really hard. And really tiring. God was so good to give me strength, teaching me endurance and growing me in character and patience. 

I feel like I haven't had much of a life with working so much. I haven't been able to do ministry like I want to. If I wanted to hang out with people I had to sacrifice sleep. Coming to the end I wasn't happy. Joy and peace I had and deepness with God but I didn't have pleasure getting up for work like I did before. God is way too good to let us endure suffering if we don't have to. I feel like I have suffered a lot this year and God did a lot through that. I'm truly grateful for what God has been doing in me beyond what I can even see. I cried so much this year. And in this new Hebrew calender year, I'm ready for jubilee. I'm ready for rest. 

I wish I didn't even have to work a second job as a waitress and work only at Dressbarn but I wouldn't make enough money. I've thought about having people come along side me and support me monthly as a missionary but I don't like asking people for money. Part of the reason I have not written more blogs this summer is because I have been in so much financial need and have not wanted my aching heart to come through like I'm begging. Because I'm not a beggar. I'm a child of God and He provides for me. And I believe Him and I've seen Him come through so much. He has given me so many miracles this year and I am so grateful. And I'm still waiting on another one. Haha. 

This past year I have been living in an apartment that is way too expensive for me. But God did it. He provided faithfully every month. I didn't even ask anyone for help. Except once. But the past 2 months He has not provided!! YET. And I don't know why!!! I don't know what He is doing in my heart. But it is so hard and I don't think it should be. I don't think it should be hard to trust God, especially after all He has done for me!!!! Haha What are You doing, Lord???? 

I feel a lot of what God has been trying to bring to the surface of my heart is some issues with my father. My earthly father has a warrant out for his arrest right now which will put him in jail for the 7th time in the past 18 months. God is so much bigger than this. God is so much bigger than the brokenness of my father. God is so much greater and so much more than you or I can imagine. 

My Heavenly Father has been so faithful to me and I have been doubting Him so much. So I am in debt and in desperate need to catch up on my rent....... But why should I fear??? why should I be afraid??? Is God not my provider???? I don't even have to have a job for God to provide. I know that. I don't have to ask for God to provide. HE KNOWS MY NEEDS. 

But God cares about my character than anything else. God wants me to be of Godly character. He cares about my heart. He cares about the position of my heart. He cares that I am a good steward. He cares about my transformation into the image of Jesus Christ. I was made to look like Jesus. I was made to bear Good Fruit. 

And I'm not saying that I haven't born good fruit. I'm saying God is pruning me because He cares about His vine. He is the Vine Dresser and I am the vine. John 15. I LOVE JOHN 15. 


I just want to go deeper in God. I want to be a better representation of LOVE everyday. If God wants me to work two jobs again and reach the lost that way, may His name be blessed. He will give me strength. He's given me strength to train for a MARATHON! And it's going amazing. I need more. I need more of God. I need Him more. I need Him so much. I love Him so much. I want full revelation on His love and to go deeper in His Word. And this new school year is focused just on that. And I don't even know how I'll do that with working two jobs and training for a marathon. But if God is calling me to it He will take me through it. That's it. He's just that Good. I trust Him. And He will make me trust Him. He will call me out upon the water and I will walk because I will keep my eyes upon HIM!!

I will get to the other side. I will be provided for. I will be given all that I need according to the riches in GLORY in Christ Jesus. 

Because that is who He is. He is RICH and He loves Me. Jesus loves Me. My Father loves me. Even if my earthly father doesn't love me and doesn't provide for me. My God does.  He is worthy of my life. He is worthy of my praise. I will praise Him when the waters rise and I will praise Him because I know I will not drown. Even if I doubt and am faithless HE IS FAITHFUL. HE WILL BE FAITHFUL TO THE END. 

He is mighty to save me. 

And I got a new roommate which is FANTASTIC!!! She even brought a table and chairs. I haven't had a table for this entire year!!! WHOOO!!! I'm so excited. 

Sunday, September 7, 2014



It's been a summer since I've written. So, what have I done, what have I been doing?

At this moment, I feel a bit weary but grace to blog.. especially since it's been so long. And it has been a year in one week that I have been living in Harrisburg, PA. Wow. Hahaha! That is CRAZY. All that my God has done in this past year is mind blowing. It takes hours to tell all. Surely God is good to those who love Him. And Oh How I Love Him.

The past four days I've worked over 45 hours. Blah. So with today off, I slept until almost noon then rushed to a Haitian church service of a pastor that I met this week! YAY to be able to practice French in a Holy Spiritual environment! And she ordered me a FRENCH BIBLE!! How kind!! I'm so excited! To read the Bible in French! Oh the beautiful revelations The Lord will be giving me through the beautiful French language! YAY GOD. Earlier this week someone was asking me if I had ever thought about Haiti since I speak French, and I had not. Then later in the week, I have an amazing encounter with a beautiful Haitian pastor of a church within a five minute walk of my house! What! Jesus! He's so cool! I've always wanted to have French speaking Christians to practice the language with! Now I do! I'm going back this Wednesday and Thursday for prayer and worship! IN FRENCH!

This truly has been my life. I work. I work. I work. And in work, I encounter God. Meeting many beautiful people that the Lord desires to encounter and gives me the privilege of being His hands and feet for them. Holy holy holy. Oh the Lord. He is good.

My heart desires for so much more though. My heart desires so greatly to see the Gospel effectively preached here and wherever I go in power and in signs and wonders from the motivation of LOVE.

I did get to go home for a week this July to serve at a Global Celebration conference in Chicago! It was AMAZING! I got to see friends and family as well as amazing worshipers like Kim Walker-Smith, Anthony Skinner, and the band United Pursuit. It was so wonderful, such fun refreshment of my love for conferences! A beautiful conference focused on worship.. Yes. Yes. Yes. Jesus was there. It was powerful.
I also got to visit with my sister who has now left the country to South Korea for the next year to teach English. She recently had an amazing encounter with JESUS and rededicated her life to Christ! So so so so exciting to see prayers answered as her life is transformed by the love of God!

My older sister had an amazing encounter with Jesus when her, my younger sister, and my mom visited me in Harrisburg in June!! So fun!! Jesus was so good to bring them here and show them where I live and all I do here! It was incredible. I'm so thankful God made it happen.

So, I've been working a lot at Starbucks and at the Dressbarn. I recently got promoted to supervisor at Starbucks and have opportunities for promotion at Dressbarn as well. It's such an honor to be recognized for hard work. I'm grateful because promotion comes from the Lord. (But it is God who judges; He brings one down, he exalts another. Psalm 75:7. The Lord is the lifter of my head, Psalm 3:3.)

This last month I started having meetings at my apartment focused on worship. Wanting to have a place where God can encounter His people, have intimate fellowship, and spiritual growth. Praying so much for God to show up and show off in a united pursuit of more of Him.

Another cool thing I've been doing is training for a marathon. When I ask God what He says about this season, He says that He is teaching me endurance. So what better to do as a prophetic act than to learn endurance running. Truly amazing to see the physical strength grow alongside the spiritual. The farthest I've run now is 10 miles. I feel God so much when I run. It's amazing for Him to do so much on a simple run and show me how much His grace can do in a little girl like me. I have never felt so strong and full of energy.

I will hopefully be starting a second year of school with Global Celebration Supernatural School of Ministry as a Year 2 student. My heart is hopeful of what God is going to do with another year of ministry school. God shows up and shows off continually. Always. Always. Always. I'm just waiting on the provision of the finances that I need for God to confirm His will of it. I can't really see myself living in Harrisburg and not doing GCSSM so I believe God will provide above and beyond.

This is a nutshell of some things God is up to in my life. I don't want to overwhelm you. Although, I feel constantly overwhelmed at by what God is with me. I could go on for hours.

But I won't tonight.

Pray for me. I'm in need of some big miracles. Good thing we serve the God who raises the dead. He's in the business of miracles. I can testify. Please pray for my family. My dad has been in and out of jail 6 times in the past 18 months. It has been very hard. My mom is doing exceedingly well and finding God in much power. My younger brother really needs an encounter with God like my older sister had. We all need more Jesus.

The conference in Chicago. 

My sister Jessica and I. 

My family visiting me in Harrisburg!! 

Let me know how I can pray for you! I love you all. You're amazing. God is good.

Tuesday, May 13, 2014



I graduate this day, Tuesday May 13, 2014, with a certificate from Global Celebration School of Supernatural Ministry. BAM. After 9 months of glorious training and fiery trials of life I have come through. Thank You, Lord Jesus so much.

I am so blessed and honored to have God bring me to a place where His glory is being revealed in such power. Georgian and Winnie Banov carry such a radical message of Grace and the Cross that my life has been truly changed. Knowing that Jesus Christ died for my sins and I was CO crucified on the cross with Him. My life in sin was crucified on the cross with my Lord Christ Jesus!!! Galatians 2:20 I have been co crucified with Christ, it is no longer I who live, but Christ who lives through me! I no longer live, but Christ lives in me. The life I now live I live by believing God's Son, who loved me and took the punishment for my sins!

I am CO raised with Christ! Colossians 3:1 Since you have been raised to new life with Christ, set your sights on the realities of heaven, where Christ sits in the place of honor at God's right hand. (NLT) You are in fact raised together with Christ!!! Now ponder with persuasion the consequence of your CO inclusion in Him! Relocate yourself mentally! Engage your thoughts with throne room reality! His resurrection CO raised you to the same position of authority where you are now CO seated in the executive authority of God's right hand!!! (Mirror Translation) Come on.

I am now a CO Heir with Christ!! Romans 8:17 And since we are his children, we are his heirs. In fact, together with Christ we are heirs of God's glory. But if we are to share his glory, we must also share his suffering. Since are His offspring, we qualify to be heirs; God Himself is our portion, we CO inherit with Christ! Since we were represented and included in His suffering we equally participate in the glory of His resurrection........... Mirror Translation. 

What does this mean??? What does this mean?? That we are CO crucified, CO risen, and CO heirs??? How then shall we live?? The message that Georgian and Winnie Banov carry is that of Romans 6,7, and 8. That we are dead to sin and alive to God! We are no longer slaves to sin but alive to God! Our desire is no longer of death and destruction but life in God!! Fullness of God! God's goodness has overflowed onto the cross to deliver us from sin and destruction and into the glorious life of being CO heirs with Christ! Seated with Him in heavenly places!!! 

Oh the bliss! Oh the bliss! That our sin has been forgiven and we have been delivered from death into GLORIOUS life! 

OH Happy Day. 

It has been an amazing year. God has so poured out His Holy Spirit in such abundance. I shall never be the same. He is constantly transforming my heart and mind in Christ that I am to totally mirror His Son. It is no longer I who live, but Christ who lives in me.  Galatians 2:20 in the Distilled Version is.. I now consider myself as having died, and am enjoying a second existence which is simply, Jesus using my body. 

Jesus, use my body! Jesus, let me just be a vessel of your love! Jesus, let me bring the Kingdom of Heaven just as you did! It's all about JESUS. He has brought us into the Kingdom of Glorious LIFE! 

Since I have died, I may now truly live. 

Oh Beloved! You are so loved by God! He wants you to know that riches of His glory in Christ Jesus! How it benefits YOU! Holy Spirit ravish the hearts of those who read this. Let them be overcome by what You have DONE! It is FINISHED. The work of the cross of Jesus Christ is FINISHED! It is a FINISHED WORK. Let us live fully in the finished work of the cross. Let us truly live God.

I could go on and on but I have to get ready for graduation! I bless you in the name of Jesus. I love you with the love of Christ within me.