Saturday, April 19, 2014

Surprises !

God loves surprises. He loves to surprise us and keep us on our toes... He hates formulas. He loves being the God of the unexpected kiss. He is the God of the Suddenly's. 

I've learned so recently that I cannot trust in plans but I can only trust in God. 

**In his heart a man plans his course, but the Lord determines his steps. Proverbs 16:9**
*Many are the plans in a man's heart, but it is the Lord's purpose that prevails. Proverbs 19:21**

So I make plans. But God changes them. And then I don't make plans and God plans things that are too wonderful for me to imagine. He has plans and purposes for me that are bigger than any dream that I could ever fathom. So, okay. Alright. 

Right now....I have no plans. I have no idea what is next. 

I didn't get accepted to staff the school in Mozambique like I totally planned on this summer. And I'm not legally able to live in my apartment because I don't legally make enough money to live in it. But God has provided faithfully every month. This past month for April's rent, I decided to give money away because I knew I didn't have enough for rent anyway and I had to trust Him for some, so why not trust Him for more. So on April 7th, I was like "God. It's April 7th, rent was due a week ago." I decided that I was just going to give the rest of my money away towards my school tuition, and I checked my bank account... to find...  someone put a $1,000 in my bank account without my knowledge! COME ON!!!! GOD PROVIDES!! God has made it IMPOSSIBLE for me to doubt Him. When you walk in His purposes He shows up and shows off. And it's usually last minute in a Suddenly. Suddenly, God provided. When all was almost lost, suddenly, the Spirit of The Lord.... 

It can be annoying and tiresome to wait upon The Lord. But it is always glorious. God always shows up in Glory. 

So right now. I wait upon the Lord to show me what are His purposes and His plans for my next season. I need to live somewhere. I don't know if He will provide a roommate for my current apartment, or if I will sign my lease over to someone and live somewhere else. I don't know if I'll continue in Harrisburg, or back in Illinois, or it will be overseas. I have absolutely no idea. 

But my heart, my mind, my flesh, my spirit, my soul, my every cell and fiber in my body KNOW that God is FAITHFUL. 

My birthday is on Monday! April 21! I pray that God will show me His next moves in my life as a present. I'll wait, He always speaks. I don't even know what I would choose. My ultimate choice would be to go back to Mozambique. I can reapply to staff for the October- December school in June. And I'm probably going to. But I'm just waiting. 

All I have is God. Nothing else matters. 

But life is worth nothing unless I use it for doing the work assigned me by the Lord Jesus- the work of telling others the Good News about God's mighty kindness and love. Acts 20:24

What will God surprise us with next?

This is a picture I drew which represents how I feel most of the time. 

                   * ******After I wrote this blog I was given a surprise party for my birthday !!!! And was surprised with a favorite band of mine from high school playing a concert right down the street. !!! A surprise party and a surprise concert. God is HILARIOUS!! ********


  1. I am so excited about what God has planned for you! For such a time as this....You are a QUEEN! You are going places!

    I am so thankful to God for blessing me with you for a daughter :D You make it ALL worth it! So worth it!!

    He must increase, but I must decrease.” John 3:30

    I love you!!!!!

  2. I'll be praying for you Esther and for God to reveal something so amazing to you of his greater plan for you. Love you my sister in Christ.

  3. Esther, What a wonderful birthday present you received to have your observations about surprises come completely true in a matter of hours -- as you said, hilarious!!!
    I love the way you write you blog!! It's just like talking to you. Engaging, funny, insightful, clever,upbeat, fun, and beautiful. You are charming in life and charming on the page. You exude enthusiasm and candor. You have a strong voice all your own and you are actively exploring what matters most to you in life. Brian, Matt and I are so grateful to have you in our lives! With tons of love and admiration -- Tory
