Sunday, March 9, 2014

What's been going on.

So it's been a while since I've posted. I don't like posting unless I feel led by God, also I've been soooooo busy. But its been on my heart to let the world and all the people that I'm so blessed to have care about me know what my life has been. 

I've been working like 50 hours a week for the past couple months. And it's been pretty hard. I work 7-12 at Starbucks and then 2pm-6:30pm at a clothing store called Dressbarn. I was working out at the gym on my break between 12 and 2 but after I did that for a month, I got literal exhaustion and had to stay in bed for 2 days to rest. So, I really felt the Lord tell me to fast exercise because it's something I really enjoy doing but I need to find all my strength in Him not at the gym. 

So I also have class Monday and Tuesday nights from 6:30-10, church Wednesday nights, and small group every other Friday. As well as Sunday morning church where I serve at the coffee bar and also on the video cameras helping film the service. There is also other outreaches and things we do for class on random days. 

It was getting pretty hard for me because since I was working so much, I started skipping class to be able to get to bed earlier. But I felt a lot of conviction about that because I didn't move to Harrisburg to work. I moved here to do school with Global Celebration. So God has been so faithful at helping me get rest and go to school. 

However, work has been an amazing. God is invading both my jobs with His glorious love. Its been such a privilege to love on my coworkers and my customers. I totally believe God to overflow my life with His love. I want everyone I meet to feel His love, peace, joy, and righteousness radiating through me. It's amazing the feedback that my customers and coworkers both give me about just that. God is so good. I'm so grateful to be able to serve Him with my life. 

One of the biggest things that have been going on has been whats next. The Lord had opened a door of opportunity for me with Global Celebration and New York City for the fall.. So when I came to the Lord in prayer asking Him for a dream to confirm these plans... I dreamt I was back in Mozambique staffing the Harvest School I did this past summer. And then almost every other night I was dreaming I was back in Mozambique or I would be talking with Heidi Baker, the principle of the ministry. There has also been lots of prophetic confirmation but I won't share that yet. 

So I've applied to staff the next two schools in Mozambique. I would be there from mid May to beginning of December. But I haven't been accepted or denied yet. I've been in a kind of hard wait. But patience is a fruit of the Holy Spirit. 

I feel strongly that this is the Lord. I've prepared that the lease of my apartment to be signed over to a coworker. The Lord has already given me many dreams about how He would provide. I feel His pleasure in this. My heart weeps to be able to back. I've been getting up early in the morning to seek God about what His will is. Every other moment I'm thinking about being back and what I would bring, what I would do. 

I would be a house mother to a group of students, I would help them, serve them, speak into their lives, direct them about living in Mozambique, encourage their encounters with the Lord. As well as helping with the administration of the school, serving the school to run efficiently and full of the Spirit of God. Totally led by Him. Letting God have His way. 

But I haven't been accepted or denied yet. 

So Jesus knows my heart. He hears my cries. I've been waiting patiently. Even though its been hard. 

I trust God. He's good and gives me the desires of my heart. I know that when I abide in Him and His words in me, I ask what I wish and it shall be given and by this people will know I am His disciple. 


  1. Hi Esther! Love you and God bless you amazing woman of God! I will be praying for the desires of your heart to be met! We had our ladies retreat this past weekend! People were getting healed more than ever before ! Praise Jesus! Dee :)
