Tuesday, March 31, 2015

Kisses from Jesus

I feel the transition I'm in. Doors opening and doors closing. It's been a season of PRUNING! Preparation for the next. Learning to LOVE discipline from the Lord more than I have ever before. Knowing He prunes those He loves so we can bear more fruit.

It's not easy... being pruned... it's humbling. Like lowering oneself and getting food stamps, but always seeing the mercy of the Lord, like in supernaturally short visits to the welfare office. Hallelujah. Some small mercies don't seem that small. And knowing greater mercies like the joy of knowing I'll have food! HALLELUJAH!

The pruning, which I could go on and on about, does produce great fruit. I feel it already so deep. The discipline of the Lord has been amazing. The hours God has led me to devote to Him are priceless. The power of God I've seen manifest as I pray for people and even just speaking has amazed myself. The accuracy of the prophetic words He has given me astonishes myself. It's been so humbling and honoring to be able to speak such words of knowledge from heaven. It's so assuring me that it is NOT ME giving these words, but so by His Spirit. All by His grace and His mercy. And its super fun.

Super fun.

I could go on more about things God has been doing to prune and discipline me...

BUT ISRAEL!!!!!!! I haven't told about Israel !! Which is over a month ago now but still fresh in my heart, mind, and spirit.  Some people have seen pictures I've posted and little blurbs on facebook or instagram... But, oh, can I tell you about Israel??

Israel was so wonderful. Such a gift from the Father. Such a kiss from Jesus. Such a whirl wind of the Holy Spirit. So much joy. I laughed for two weeks. Words cannot express the joy of this trip! SO MUCH JOY! Our team was phenomenal. Family from the airport! We were of one mind and one Spirit. Worship was at the foundation of everything we did.We could not stop worshiping, with our praise or with our actions. Jesus was at the center of it all! Oh how He overflowed!!

I pray the Holy Spirit gives you a taste right now of the joy we experienced! YES, LORD!

The hotels we were able to stay at were wonderful, the first was an old palace! It was amazingly beautiful and really easy to get lost in. And I was so happy it had a gym and was able to run a couple times.

The refugee camps were, I think, everyone's favorite part. Being able to go and love those who've been hurt and confused by where they belong and who's heart's are crying for justice. We were able to dance, sing, laugh, paint, feed, love, hug, kiss, and play with these wonderful children and women who've known such third world life and fear. It was hours of dancing, laughing, and playing and imparting the Joy we have which comes from the throne of heaven! It was also a privilege to hear the Palestinian hearts and to honor them in whatever way we could, going into their homes and listening to their stories, providing for what needs we could, and simply loving them.

On the other side of the border we were able to go to an Israeli soldier hospital... WOW. JESUS. WOW. From the moment we walked in ... it was an explosion of joy. An explosion of worship, singing, dancing, waving flags, and releasing the Kingdom of Heaven. People were amazed, coming from all over the hospital to see what was going on! People were healed, people were dancing with us, and longing to know WHY WE WERE SO HAPPY. We were ready to give an answer to anyone who asked. It was awesome. We also split up into groups and went all over to pray for the sick and the afflicted to see the Holy Spirit who's desperate to encounter hearts.

The land of Israel is so beautiful. So much to say, I fell so madly in love with the land and the people I want to go back and live there. And I will. Someday. I will.

It was so amazing to see the Word of God come to life! To see the history of my history! To see the Living Word! The Word Living ! It was truly life changing. Forever changed. God did so much in and through me. It's hard for me to even speak about the depths that God did. It's so precious to me. It's hard for me to put words to God. I pray that the Lord will allow you to feel the depth right now.

I can tell you that I have been born again after this trip. That I encountered God in such a powerful way that I can honestly confess that Jesus Christ died for me and I died with Him. I was co crucified with Christ that it may be no longer I who live but JESUS WHO LIVES IN ME. I felt such a powerful revelation of the resurrection of Christ and the life and death of Christ which reigns and rules in my body. The resurrection of Christ. My resurrection from the dead. I was dead in my sins, in my transgressions, but now I am fully alive to God. I pray that Holy Spirit will help you understand this which is of the Spirit. That there would be an importation for you to KNOW that Jesus died for you so that you may truly live. That there is resurrection power available. That our faith in Jesus is based on the RESURRECTION.

I just realized that this is a convenient topic because Easter is this week.

Beloved, will you please seek God about this? Seek God about the power of the Resurrection of Jesus from the dead. The first BORN from the dead OF MANY!!!!!!!!!!! Which you are included. To be raised to life with Him, In Him, to have your being seated in Heavenly places which the Father is pleased to bless you with.

I try not to talk to long because I could talk FOREVER about this. Or anything of God. Or lots of things, really.

I thank God for you ! I pray peace for you! Joy in the Holy Spirit! I pray more hunger for the things of God for you! That Jesus would pursue you relentlessly and that you would allow Him to Kiss you with the kisses of His mouth for His love is better than wine.


Love, Esther

1 comment:

  1. Dearest Esther,

    I am so very proud of you! I've been in Hebrews this week, so I want to share that familiar verse Hebrews 12:11 "For the time being no discipline brings joy, but seems grievous and painful; but afterwards it yields a peaceable fruit of righteousness to those who have been trained by it [a harvest of fruit which consists in righteousness—in conformity to God’s will in purpose, thought, and action, resulting in right living and right standing with God]."

    I love you!!!!
