Sunday, September 7, 2014



It's been a summer since I've written. So, what have I done, what have I been doing?

At this moment, I feel a bit weary but grace to blog.. especially since it's been so long. And it has been a year in one week that I have been living in Harrisburg, PA. Wow. Hahaha! That is CRAZY. All that my God has done in this past year is mind blowing. It takes hours to tell all. Surely God is good to those who love Him. And Oh How I Love Him.

The past four days I've worked over 45 hours. Blah. So with today off, I slept until almost noon then rushed to a Haitian church service of a pastor that I met this week! YAY to be able to practice French in a Holy Spiritual environment! And she ordered me a FRENCH BIBLE!! How kind!! I'm so excited! To read the Bible in French! Oh the beautiful revelations The Lord will be giving me through the beautiful French language! YAY GOD. Earlier this week someone was asking me if I had ever thought about Haiti since I speak French, and I had not. Then later in the week, I have an amazing encounter with a beautiful Haitian pastor of a church within a five minute walk of my house! What! Jesus! He's so cool! I've always wanted to have French speaking Christians to practice the language with! Now I do! I'm going back this Wednesday and Thursday for prayer and worship! IN FRENCH!

This truly has been my life. I work. I work. I work. And in work, I encounter God. Meeting many beautiful people that the Lord desires to encounter and gives me the privilege of being His hands and feet for them. Holy holy holy. Oh the Lord. He is good.

My heart desires for so much more though. My heart desires so greatly to see the Gospel effectively preached here and wherever I go in power and in signs and wonders from the motivation of LOVE.

I did get to go home for a week this July to serve at a Global Celebration conference in Chicago! It was AMAZING! I got to see friends and family as well as amazing worshipers like Kim Walker-Smith, Anthony Skinner, and the band United Pursuit. It was so wonderful, such fun refreshment of my love for conferences! A beautiful conference focused on worship.. Yes. Yes. Yes. Jesus was there. It was powerful.
I also got to visit with my sister who has now left the country to South Korea for the next year to teach English. She recently had an amazing encounter with JESUS and rededicated her life to Christ! So so so so exciting to see prayers answered as her life is transformed by the love of God!

My older sister had an amazing encounter with Jesus when her, my younger sister, and my mom visited me in Harrisburg in June!! So fun!! Jesus was so good to bring them here and show them where I live and all I do here! It was incredible. I'm so thankful God made it happen.

So, I've been working a lot at Starbucks and at the Dressbarn. I recently got promoted to supervisor at Starbucks and have opportunities for promotion at Dressbarn as well. It's such an honor to be recognized for hard work. I'm grateful because promotion comes from the Lord. (But it is God who judges; He brings one down, he exalts another. Psalm 75:7. The Lord is the lifter of my head, Psalm 3:3.)

This last month I started having meetings at my apartment focused on worship. Wanting to have a place where God can encounter His people, have intimate fellowship, and spiritual growth. Praying so much for God to show up and show off in a united pursuit of more of Him.

Another cool thing I've been doing is training for a marathon. When I ask God what He says about this season, He says that He is teaching me endurance. So what better to do as a prophetic act than to learn endurance running. Truly amazing to see the physical strength grow alongside the spiritual. The farthest I've run now is 10 miles. I feel God so much when I run. It's amazing for Him to do so much on a simple run and show me how much His grace can do in a little girl like me. I have never felt so strong and full of energy.

I will hopefully be starting a second year of school with Global Celebration Supernatural School of Ministry as a Year 2 student. My heart is hopeful of what God is going to do with another year of ministry school. God shows up and shows off continually. Always. Always. Always. I'm just waiting on the provision of the finances that I need for God to confirm His will of it. I can't really see myself living in Harrisburg and not doing GCSSM so I believe God will provide above and beyond.

This is a nutshell of some things God is up to in my life. I don't want to overwhelm you. Although, I feel constantly overwhelmed at by what God is with me. I could go on for hours.

But I won't tonight.

Pray for me. I'm in need of some big miracles. Good thing we serve the God who raises the dead. He's in the business of miracles. I can testify. Please pray for my family. My dad has been in and out of jail 6 times in the past 18 months. It has been very hard. My mom is doing exceedingly well and finding God in much power. My younger brother really needs an encounter with God like my older sister had. We all need more Jesus.

The conference in Chicago. 

My sister Jessica and I. 

My family visiting me in Harrisburg!! 

Let me know how I can pray for you! I love you all. You're amazing. God is good.

1 comment:

  1. Hey, keep up the great work! Remember Philippians 4:13... That is great for endurance training ��
