Sunday, September 1, 2013

JESUS has good plans.

So I pray that the Lord of Glory and His Holy Spirit will speak through me His story and speak to your heart. Just so you will know the testimony of Jesus that has been happening in my life. I pray that the Spirit of Truth will bear witness to you.. amen. 



He is good. 

So, I was getting a little nervous about this whole situation... about moving across the country in less than 2 weeks, to somewhere I've never been, live with people I've never met, in a house I've never seen. And I don't have the finances YET to actually do it. But I have faith. I have Hebrews 11:1, a conviction I know this is where the Lord of Everything, the King of Kings, the Holy One of Israel, King Jesus, is beckoning me to come and grow with Him in Spirit and in Truth. So, after spending time in prayer and chatting with a friend. I feel like Jesus is leading me to tell you about what He's doing in me and why I feel He is leading me to Harrisburg, Pennsylvania. 

And I know a lot of people will want to know what the heck I'm doing. So, I pray over my words, that they will be the right ones and it won't be too long. I can seriously talk for hours about the wonderful things Jesus is doing in my life. But for your sake, I'll try to keep it to the point.. I'll try. Hehe. 

It starts a year ago. 

A year ago, I randomly went to a conference with this ministry called Global Celebration and signed up to go on a mission trip to Bulgaria, Greece, and Turkey to minister to some gypsy camps and go to some places the Apostle Paul went to! (being able to go on the trip was amazingly supernatural as well) Before the trip, the ministry announced a new part time internship called the Plunge, and I completely brushed it off because I was a university student and I thought didn't have the time or the money to participate in it. But God thought differently. So on the trip, whenever the internship met, I just happened to be sitting there time and time again. Feeling the Lord was leading me to do the internship now, I put it in His hands, if this was Him, He had to give me the time and money. When I returned and started worrying about the finances for the internship, I literally got a refund check from the ministry that covered the internship. When it came to participating by going to a 2 conferences in a semester, it worked out perfectly to go to two conferences in one week. In this week, I had classes canceled, quizzes rescheduled, tests canceled, and crazy favor from professors. So I understood, this was Jesus. 

At one of the conferences, I had an amazing vision from the Lord where it was obvious that I was to be working with Global Celebration some time in my life. 

You guys might be wondering about this ministry, Global Celebration.. It is a really wonderful ministry and I could talk for hours about the wonderful work they do. But if you want to know more about it please ! check out their website and find out more.

So I felt confident about Jesus leading me to be more involved with their ministry. I planned on spending this past summer 2013, going on two of Global Celebration's international trips, but Jesus led me to go to Heidi and Rolland Baker's Harvest School of Missions in Mozambique,Africa. 
And it was AMAZING. More on that later.

The spring semester of 2013, I took off school to rest and for other reasons..... Like... I had failed all my classes the fall semester of 2012 and I was burnt out. I don't know how many of you know about my parent's starting the divorce process the beginning in 2012, but it was hard for me especially since I've been living at home. We had also been going through our home being foreclosed. And when I got back from my mission trip in Europe, we had just received the notice to be out of our house. So that fall, I was going through my parents divorce, losing our home, and finding a new home. As well as that, I was organizing 4 big worship events on my university campus that were very successful. God did so many amazing things... And on top of that I was working and going to school. But school came last and I tried so hard. I tried so hard to do well, and I had been doing well but it was right around the time of the move that it just became overwhelming. The grace to do school was just gone. (another semester I had taken 24 credit hours, worked 20 hours a week, and was in 5 bible studies and got all A's and B's- so I knew that the grace of God for me to do school was possible). But there was no grace for me to finish that semester as I had intended. So I took the spring off school. 

And that spring was an amazing time where the Lord taught me how to rest in Him and His provision. Jesus led me to quit my job and not to raise any financial support for going to Africa. And Jesus provided everything I needed supernaturally. He also provided for me to go to 3 Christian conferences in 3 different states and paid my bills. Jesus is good. 

One of the conferences was hosted by Global Celebration. I went as a Plunge intern, eager to serve the ministry. While meeting with my internship, the leader announced that he felt the Lord leading him another direction and he wasn't going to be working with the ministry anymore. In my heart I had an overwhelming desire to take over leadership in the internship and work with the ministry. During this conference, the Lord gave me crazy confirmation that this was His desire, not just mine. Jesus literally had the founder of the ministry invite me to sit in the main staff section and one of the conference speakers flipped over his reserved seating sign and wrote Reserved for Esther... Well, I took that as confirmation. And then I talked to the founder of the ministry, Georgian Banov, telling him my desire to work with him and he wrapped his arm around me and told me I was like a daughter to him. So I took that as confirmation as well. 

So, the plan I had was to go to Harvest School, finish university, then start working with Global Celebration. 

Before leaving for Africa, the Lord gave me so much favor with my university. A professor had noticed how well I had been doing and then how poorly. She reached out to the administration and gave me so much favor and grace to be able to return in good standing. The university totally understood everything I was going through and was ready to accept me back with arms wide open. My professor had made it possible for me to redo and complete coursework to be able to have a passing grade instead of a failing. It was so amazing. And I tried so, so, so, so hard to be able to finish the course work. But the grace of God was not there. I tried. But I could not do it. But I as I went off to Africa, I still planned to return to go back to university. 

When I got to Africa, and I had so many people asking what I was doing when I got home, I would say, going back to university but I don't want to. My heart was so hurt by failing, I couldn't go back unless the grace of God was there to finish! It hurt my heart too much not to do well!  The desire and longing of my heart was to move to Harrisburg, Pennsylvania to do Global Celebration's new school of ministry. How could I think about leading an internship or working with the ministry and not doing their school?? It wouldn't make sense! The longing of my heart was to be with Global Celebration. 

Sitting down with someone to pray with me about some things, I asked her at the end what she thought I should do about school. After telling her the situation she helped me realize how obvious it was. I tried so hard to do school, but the grace wasn't there and the door was shutting. But the grace for ministry was wide open. All of the ministry I did was wildly successful. My heart and my spirit leaped. I just felt Jesus smiling on this!!! So I prayed. I asked the Lord if He would show me if this was His will, and if His will was for me to do Global Celebrations school of ministry. That night I had a dream that I was telling my mom I was moving to Harrisburg and I woke up with supernatural joy knowing that was the confirmation God was giving me. Then I had another dream that I was actually on staff with the ministry! Then Georgian Banov came to speak at my Harvest School and I talked to him and he was soo excited about me coming. So that was even more confirmation. 

Getting into the school was amazingly easy as well. I was supposed to fill out an application and pay a fee, but being in Africa it made it very difficult with no regular or stable internet access. But Jesus gave me amazing favor and I was able to be accepted without filling anything out. I was also able to find an apartment really easily through the ministry for a measly $325 a month for everything. It exactly what I wanted. 

So now, here I am, back in America waiting on the Lord to follow His will with provision. It has been so supernatural. All of it. And I believe so firmly that it was the Lord whose give me this desire to go to Global Celebration's School of Supernatural Ministry. GCSSM. 

So, I don't want to do anything I don't see my Father in heaven showing me to do. He knows my needs and He knows my heart. He knows I desire to please Him with my life. 

I feel like I've written enough. And I'm tired. 

Love you guys so much. Pray for me. Support me if you want. But pray for me! 

I LOVE YOU. JESUS IS IN LOVE WITH YOU!!! And Jesus has an amazing plan and purpose for you. Look to Him, He is BEAUTIFUL. Just like you. 

1 comment:

  1. Blessings my sister! I can't wait to hear about the amazing things that are going to happen! Such a courageous step. I am so glad you are a peace with this decision, and that God's grace and favor are with you! What an exciting time! Every blessing on your ministry! xoxo
    -Christina Berliner
