I'm so glad I don't know what I'm doing. I'm so glad I don't have to know. Jesus does.
His plans and purposes are forever. Man's will fail. Psalm 33:10-11
His plans are soo good. Jeremiah 29:11
Holy Spirit is so good. I'm just sitting here. I've been back in the country like 36 hours. I think I'm recovering jet lag.
I just want to worship God with everything I do. I just want my words to be a pleasing aroma to the Lord.
I want my actions to be pleasing. I want to live obedient to the commands of the Lord. John 15 !!!! I like being able to reference scripture but I also just love quoting scripture and trusting you know the reference... But it is good to quote the reference, it is. And I want to be able reference scripture as a pro. I want to be able to quote the entire Bible and having it written deeply on my heart... I want to know it so well that if it is taken away from me, it can't be.
Mmmm I want to know the plans that God has for me in His Word. Like Ephesians 1, I have every spiritual blessing in every heavenly realm in Christ Jesus. John 15, His plan is for me to produce abundant fruit from abiding in His love and having the fullness of joy. Romans 12 to be transformed into the image of Christ.
I want to have the knowledge of God through Jesus Christ so that I may have the grace to abound in every good work, 2 Peter.
This is challenging. Referencing all the scripture. But its so good. So delicious. God's word is so good. If you don't eat it, you die.
Mmm, I'm just going to pray for you..
Holy Spirit, I pray that you would enlighten the eyes of our understanding so that we may see how you are moving in our lives. Holy Spirit I pray that you would give us the revelation of Jesus Christ that we may know Him and love Him more. Oh Jesus, I want to love you more. I want to love you with my life. I want to love you with my words. I want to love you with all that I am. Holy Spirit I pray that you would convict our hearts to walk more in your love! To come to you with everything. To come to you with a paper cut and to come with to you with a giant debt. Holy Spirit thank you for helping us in all things. Thank you for helping us rest in your presence, knowing you are right here. The God of the universe, of all creation, is closer than our breath. We thank you. Thank you. We thank you.
How we love you.
I love you.
See you later, I think. I need to go back to bed.
Love, Es